Sunday, 15 November 2015

A response (or "Pseudo"-Secularism vs. "Hinduvata" Agenda)

Two news articles that I came across in the Electronic Media caught my attention, and they called to my convictions, my opinions. The topics are at an instant, different issues, but looking at the big picture, it is the same underlying issue. One article by M Surendra Nath (‘Mumbai based Lawyer and Law Lecturer’) on Kerala’s ‘Ungodliness’ and the other by Anish Kapoor, the Noted British-Indian Sculptor on Hindu “Taliban”, the BJP. It represents two extremes, one the possible view of the “Sangha Parivar” and other the view of all “Right thinking Liberals”. I vehemently disagree with both. I am caught between a rock and a hard place. My view is that I will not agree with either and that could be political suicide.
At this point, I feel that my beliefs are being hijacked by the “Hinduvata” agenda, and on the other end, I feel the effects of a “Colour Blind” Secularism. The issue of “Beef Ban” highlighted day in and day out by the media houses is something that has been a divisive issue for centuries. The controversy acquires more relevance considering that even the Indian Constitution endorses the regulation of cattle slaughter. I believe that “Beef Ban” or whatever movement that seeks to regulate the platter of anyone is against liberty. If I want to eat beef, I shall. If I want to eat pork, I shall. Nobody, be it the Government, any Political Party, any Religion, can tell me what to eat, what to drink, how to live my life. Nobody has the right to do so, and that right is the most essential to me. I oppose anyone who says that Beef should not be eaten according to Hindu beliefs. Hindu beliefs are varied and ever evolving. Cow is regarded as a symbol for its selflessness, kindness, and love. Whatever reason it be, it is precisely my right not to eat beef that is your right to eat beef. I oppose all sorts of bans on beef, pork or mutton, not questioning its legality (which is a different matter) but its arbitrariness. I also oppose those who say it is a source for ‘protein’ for whomsoever. I don’t care whether it is a source of protein or fibre or whatever, it is my right to eat. Whenever any Hindu ideologue preaches the banning of Beef, I cringe.
This is the view that the first article highlights-‘Rationalists NGOs regularly carry on street activism like the “Mangalsutra Burning”, “Beef Festivals”, etc. in total defiance of the sentiments of the majority citizens of the country.’ Well, Mr. Surendra Nath, you are not the representation of all Hindus, their beliefs and convictions. And even if the Major community or whoever is opposed, I don’t care. As long as it is my right, I shall exercise it.  The other statements are too preposterous for me to respond to.
But I cannot agree with the  views that many “progressive liberals” have come up with: that the Dadri Lynching was the fault of the Prime Minister. How could it possibly be? The cancelling of Ghulam Ali’s show was a ‘Political’ one, caused by the Shiva Sena, But the Fatwa by Barelvi group Raza Academy against A.R. Rahman was swept under the dust. The reasons, I believe, are self-apparent. 
Anish Kapoor’s article heading scared me – it was titled “India is being ruled by Hindu Taliban”. The tone of his article is exceedingly alarmist. The title itself conveys imagery of a horde of fundamentalists ruling this nation. Let me assure you that the nation is being ruled by a democratically elected government held accountable to the nation. The activities of a few fringe elements do not define us. The Speeches of Yogi Adithyanath are not the views of Hindus, or that of Asaduddin Owaisi of Muslims. India is not an intolerant nation.
Returning to the article:-
“All this is good news for Prime Minister Modi, who flew into London today. He won’t be seriously called to account for human rights abuses or systematic thuggery. “
I don’t understand. What Human Right abuses our prime Minister is to be held responsible for?
He further says:
“I’ll be joining protesters outside Downing Street today. Following the lead of India’s opposition groups, we have a duty to speak out for the people Modi is trying to silence, precisely because we are free to do so.”
I do not understand which people Modi or the Government of India is trying to silence. The article is built on a misguided view, and the fact that it appeared in The Guardian goes on to show the continued negative portrayal of India in the foreign media.
But more than this article, I was offended by the Nazi Swastika fused with Om for the anti- Modi protests in London. I am appalled at the incident, where the image was cast on the British Parliament, no less.  Such an equation has gone unnoticed in the Indian media, and for reasons unknown. I am offended and antagonized by the incident. (Suppose the same happened to any other religion? What would be the response of Indian media then?) Whatever message these people are trying to push through, it has been counterproductive.
 I’m disappointed by both sides of the coin- both are not letting each other be, both refuse to be objective.
I do want to drag this on, but I think this is enough of a rant. I leave you with APJ's words:
"We must think and act like a nation of billion people and not that like of a million people"

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