Thursday 10 September 2015

Times of Narcissism

I've been noticing this for quite some time, and I've been thinking about this "trend". The spark was when I noticed the wallpaper of one of my friends phone is him smiling broadly. Kinda weird, I thought, since most people put some loved one's photo. I myself keep my sister's photo as my lock screen. Well, there was no need for me to feel weird, actually. Almost all my friends had their own face as their lock screen. I feel it's kinda self-centered to do that. So it suddenly struck me how people are self centered to the point of narcissism. We are living in times of the "selfie" when everyone from Barack Obama to the homeless guy on the street is part of the "trend". 
                                                          We have dinner selfies, skydiving selfies and most weirdly, a selfie "stick". We're being promoted to take selfies more than ever. From Snapchat to Instagram, selfies dominate our Social network feeds. And yesterday, Apple iPhone 6S, recently introduced an "Emergency" Selfie. Oh just c'mon people ,were are we going with this? Sexy time selfie? New Friends Selfie? We're more self centered than ever. Narcissistic, in fact. Obsessed with how we look, what we eat, Oh , I could go on and on. In Greek Mythology, Narcissus looked into a pool of water too fall in love with himself. Today, millions and millions of people look into their electronically lit screens to fall in love with themselves.  I'm not bashing anyone or anything. It's just an unhealthy truth.
                                                           I wonder whether Joseph Niepice, the creator of the first permanent photograph or George Eastman of Kodak ever expected people to point their  phones  at themselves to take a self portrait. Sorry, Selfie. I see where the compulsion comes from; I feel so good when I take a selfie. It's addictive, though. Lot of people believe that the increasing Narcissism will signal doom for human conscious. I don't. Because, #helpedastrangerselfie and #kindnessselfie. Seriously though, I think it's a phase that  everyone will eventually outgrow. We've survived worse. I hope I don't fall in the trap either. Oh well, time for a #Bloggingselfie.